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here's something you'll probably never learn in a spiritual college, church or coven- :


one of the things that is strictly forbidden throughout the Bible is trying to contact the dead (via mediums, spells etc.)


why is this? because dead people are....DEAD.


the euphemism used in the Bible is "asleep in Christ". why a euphemism? because death is THAT ugly. one does not got straight to 'heaven' that's a platonic idea. 


over and over in the church epistles Christians are told they are "awaiting Christ's return'  and that when He returns He will raise the dead from the ground, sea, (wherever their parts are)....


what people THINK are dead relatives contacting them are really evil spirits (called familiar spirits in the Bible).

here is one verse in the Bible warning about familiar spirits

Leviticus 19:31

“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.”


below is a good video on the topic by a young man I've never met. 

it may not line up with all your particular Biblical theology...

but I think it's pretty helpful.

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